Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mohanlaal's disillusionment & Transcendence - A Short Story

Vichiisms : My usual idiosyncrasy before a short story. 

There are two categories of poor; one whose poverty is universally acknowledged with many willing to help & the othe; who has a double whammy, namely not only is he poor but no one is  willing to accept this fact.

Therefore either to become a cynic, or get disillusioned with the illusory secular establishment & transcend, is a choice dependent on His Grace. .  

Mohanlal's disillusionment & Transcendence. - A Short Story  

Mohan Lal & Johar -in spite of contrasting views on almost everything --- were friends since their childhood days. The former - brought up by a family with high moral values - believed in just being good. The latter growing up in a family which was more  practical, believed in the motto that one has to be known to be good. 

Then there was this girl named Prabha, in their neighborhood; intelligent, very beautiful & cultured. Her family's value system was in sync with that of Johar's family. Prabha however was different. She had a soft corner for ML, but yet not quite able to find any fault with the practical Johars.  

It so happened that when they were all of marriage-able age, Prabha's family was quite keen to have Johar as their son-in law. Prabha was however not too sure as she somehow felt ML would be a better partner in tune with her psyche. 

ML meanwhile had similar feelings for Prabha, but since he knew that her parents were more keen on his friend Johar, & being an innately good guy, thought he would help his friend to get Prabha, as Johar's infatuation with Prabha was palpably visible. He also felt that his own social welfare oriented career would offer something substantially less than what Johar's cushy job would offer her. He therefore decided to tell her as to how by marrying Johar, not only would she be happy but she would make her parents happy too.. 

Johar as expected rose in his career fast & soon Prabha started wondering if she was wrong after all to have believed that Mohan would have been a better groom. Gone was any sense of  gratitude for ML who was the key player in making up her mind in the first place. A son Akshay came along and her cup of joy was full. Riches & a terrific life style made her easily get into her husbands habit of even poking fun sometime at his friend ML's. 

ML in the meanwhile who was more into social activities, had an excellent wife who empathized with her husband in every way, and they had a daughter named Anasuya who was not only divinely beautiful but remarkably intelligent and shared values of her parents in full measure. Life was therefore very fulfilling, though admittedly theirs was not a rich lifestyle as that of Johars.   

Providence will not be Providence if it allowed things to play out so blissfully. Johar turned out to be quite a Casanova, who was immensely popular with the female of the species. He also loved their company. A bit of gallivanting style was more the norm which made Prabha more & more uncomfortable. Her boy Akshay was more a replica of the father which made her worry more.  

ML's wife passed away suddenly, and his daughter took the role of his wife, in tending both to household needs plus looking after their social commitments plus excelling in her studies. Life in general was tough. In all these midst, being young & vulnerable after all, she had developed a great liking for a boy in her college,named Dhruv, who empathized with her outlook about life in general. His parents with limited education who  had amassed a fortune over the years were however different. They frowned at Dhruv's fascination for this girl.  To further muddy this complicated affair, was the fact that Akshay in his typical rude style was harassing her first, but later was  so besotted with her persona  that he would ceaselessly chase her with offers of marriage.  

ML's health was slowly deteriorating & on that particular  day when the mood in their little household was particularly somber, Prabha arrived most unexpectedly. ML imagined a disaster; He hated Akshay, & so was worried that Prabha citing their once-upon-a-time mutual respect & love, may actually seek Anasuya's hand in marriage to her son. Anasuya was equally worried; her father -being a good samaritan thru his life- may just see some positives & seriously dwell on such a proposal & it would be impossible for her to voice any objections- so much was her love for ML.  It was all something of an enigma; how could such a great human being like ML could be so disillusioned as to dread his once beloved Prabha's very presence?   

Prabha probably sensed the mood at ML's place. She completely disarmed every one with her opening remarks that she is there purely to enquire about ML's health, and added that her son Akshay is not going be a part of the conversation she wanted to have with both ML & Anasuya. ML- being a good man - could immediately spot the innate goodness of that little girl Prabha whom he had once admired & even loved. Anasuya was still hesitant. She excused herself saying that she would make some tea for Auntie & closeted herself in the kitchen to leave the oldies alone. 

By the time she came in with the tray of tea & some snacks, she found both of them in high spirits to her great surprise. She also soon found herself joining their discussions without any reservation & started enjoying the conversation thoroughly. The topic veered round a variety of subjects, and suddenly she found Prabha wondering as to what really constitutes positive & negative thinking. Was her decision to marry Johar looking to a nice comfortable life was positive, or ML's philosophy of doing good always was. Horror of horrors, Anasuya found her father answering that perhaps Johar's lifestyle made more sense. Doing good appeared as if it had done nothing great to him; probably his daughter's future weighed heavily on his mind when he sounded so disillusioned. 

More to release the obvious unease in the room, Anasuya said jokingly that going by the scriptures that the gross secular material world was just illusory, to be disillusioned with that is the only thing which is positive and any attachment to it is perhaps negative. Whether this was ponder-able or not, it eased the tension & all of them had a hearty laugh and the next few minutes were spent on discussing politics/business in a true gup-shup style. 

ML however reverted to what her daughter said a few minutes ago. He wondered aloud as to whether there is anything at all which can be truly called "negative"? The life's mission - if we trusted the scripts- was to get back & everything that happened /would happen is a means designed by Him to take one there. So how can anything be "negative" at all? Everything will & continue to just "be" as per His design & every one of it has got to be only "positive" & any other interpretation would simply be "false". 

The reaction of both Prabha & Anasuya was spontaneous. Both told ML to enjoy the present rare moment of bonhomie without dwelling into anything remotely profound. With merriment restored, ML wanted a couple of favors from Prabha. He mentioned about Dhruv, and wanted Prabha -who was very close to the family- to intervene & see if she could make the alliance possible. The second ; he had compiled a book of Stories, based on his life's experience & wanted this to be published in Prabha's name for two reasons. One the experiences could easily be passed of as general without reference to being ML's and (b) if it was ML's book, chances of its being accepted would be almost nil, but coming from Prabha the people would lap it up. 

There was a pause. Prabha spoke after a few moments. She said she was aware of Dhruv & Anasuya's  feelings for each other, & was in fact keen on the alliance herself, & was one of the reasons for her coming today. And as to the other request, she said the book would be from Anasuya's stable and she would personally see to it that it got the due publicity which would make her a much more eligible bride for Dhruv in the latter's family. As to whether Dhruv should be privy to this secret, it was Anasuya's call. She added to the complete bewilderment of both father & daughter, that Akshay will no longer harass the kid. 

Just then as if to further enforce the positive vs negative debate, came the news from the little boy next door, that after getting eight wickets for less than 100 odd runs, India let the Aussies pile up a further 200 odd runs for the last two wickets & are now in danger of losing the test!!!!!!  One man's positive was another man's negative. 


Anasuya's book sold a million copies. Dhruv & Anasuya were happily married thanks to Prabha's efforts. ML passed away in absolute peace with the entire family in attendance. Both Johar & Akshay were conspicuous by their absence., but Prabha who had taken a huge liking for Anasuya was there to support the girl in her moment of crisis. Though very pious & devoted, "gita's" immortally profound piece about "self" being immortal etc floating around, did not find that elevating and hair-raising awe in either Prabha & Anasuya, as it apparently did on those others in the funeral gathering. The only thing that would remain immortal would be these positive/negative, self /universal self etc etc., kind of endless   "debates" and so lets continue to just do what we ought to do, without undue worry about what's happening to the world etc., was the message that flashed in their minds. 

They were in PEACE thereafter...... 

Ekalavya alias Vichu

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